Creating hysteria among the audience with extraordinary visuals and graphics, American Gods is one of the most popular shows today. The loyal fans are awaiting the obvious war between the two- Mr. Wednesday and Shadow Man. The creators have been dragging it since the first season that is making them impatient. But, the showrunners are likely to stick to the original theme and do justice to Neil Gaiman’s book. Although it’s a fantasy drama television series, the scenes look truly realistic and natural. And, amazing acting skills of both the protagonist as well as the antagonist are nothing less than a cherry on the top of the cake. Having said that, let’s make move to the following section to learn the release date of the next episode!

American Gods Season 3 Episode 8 Release Date Revealed

Titled “The Rapture of Burning” American Gods Season 3 Episode 8 will be released on March 7, 2021, on the same broadcasting network, Starz at the same hour, 9:00 PM(New York Time). The all-new episode is likely to run for around 50 minutes like other episodes. The previous episode titled “Fire and Ice” was dropped among the fans a week before that is, on February 28, 2021. Since then, they have been waiting for this episode. Well, we have been waiting the whole week to watch the upcoming episode. So, let’s be patient and wait for a little longer. We hope the next episode is worth the wait and keep surprising us with more fascinating events.

American Gods Season 3 Episode 7 Recap

The show has been dropping plotholes since its premiere. And, the last episode titled “Fire and Ice” aimed at gluing all the pieces back together to make some sense. As you would already know, someone has been killing the followers of Wednesday lately. And, Wednesday discovers the person behind this. Mike has been shrouded in his own miseries and woes since the past few episodes. He is trying to get back to leading a normal life again and tries to pull himself together. Mike is developing hots for someone but as reality dawns upon him, his situation gets worse. Bilquis has moved to Chicago and is shown partying with other people with who she is “friends”. She is well aware of the fact that Shadow has a twin. It has not been revealed who that person is. But, fans are assuming that it has something to do with Shadow’s mother’s midwife. Later, Bilquis dances at the party and looked absolutely stunning thus, concluding the episode. Overall, it was a fun episode to watch that answered many of our previous questions. Unlike other episodes, it was fast-paced and promised that there’s a lot more trouble to come. Thus, don’t forget to watch the next episode and miss out on any of the important events that this episode has to offer! Also Read: 50 Best TV Shows To Watch In 2021

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